90 Perfectly Pretty Shades Of Pink (2025)

Pink is a warm color that is often associated with feelings of happiness, positivity, optimism, and joy! After all, pink reminds us of awesome things like flowers, ice cream, cotton candy, and most importantly, love and affection!

It is also a soothing color with particularly lighter shades of pink having a calming effect on the body and mind so you will often find paler shades of pink in bedrooms or other areas where relaxation is important.

However, there are so many different shades of pink to choose from so you really aren’t limited if you are wanting to create a pink color palette. From soft pastel pinks all the way through to bold hot pinks, there’s a shade of pink for everyone!

In this article, we will look at the many different shades of pink, their corresponding pink hex codes as well as their RGB values. I will also include a pink color chart where you will be able to see each pink color’s name along with a color swatch to help you choose the perfect pink!


90 Perfectly Pretty Shades Of Pink (1)

Pink Color Swatch

Pink is a soft shade that is light and airy. This is what it looks like:

Pink Hex Code: #FFC0CB
Pink RGB Code: RGB(255,192,203)

There are many different shades of pink each with its own hex color code and RGB value. Here are a couple of popular shades of pink that people love!

Light Blush Pink

Lace Pink Hex

Cameo Pink Hex

Piggy Pink Hex

Nude Pink Hex

Blush Pink Hex

Baby Pink Hex

Barbie Pink Hex

Hot Pink Hex

Light Pink Hex

Pastel Pink Hex

Magenta Hex

There is some debate as to whether magenta is actually pink or a shade of purple. What do you think? Is magenta pink or purple?

Like Pink?
Check out our Personalized Pink Journals and Notebooks

  • Rose Taupe / Dark Pink Personalized Journal

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  • Personalized Rose Quartz / Dusty Pink Journal

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  • Personalized Pastel Pink Hardcover Journal

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Pink Color Chart With Hex Codes And Color Names

If you want to create a pink color palette then a pink color code chart is really handy! I’ve put together a pink color chart with just about 90 shades of pink for you to choose from. Each color shows the pink color name, the color swatch as well as the corresponding pink hex code and RGB value.

Deep Pruce #A95C68 rgb( 169, 92, 104 )
Rose Taupe #905D5D rgb( 144, 93, 93 )
Raspberry Glace #915F6D rgb( 145, 95, 109 )
Copper Rose #996666 rgb( 153, 102, 102 )
Old Rose #C08081 rgb( 192, 128, 129 )
Puce #CC8899 rgb( 204, 136, 153 )
Turkish Rose #B57281 rgb( 181, 114, 129 )
Rose Gold #B76E79 rgb( 183, 110, 121 )
China Rose #A8516E rgb( 168, 81, 110 )
Rouge #A94064 rgb( 169, 64, 100 )
Raspberry Rose #B3446C rgb( 179, 68, 108 )
Fandango #B53389 rgb( 181, 51, 137 )
Fuchsia #C154C1 rgb( 193, 84, 193 )
Smitten #C84186 rgb( 200, 65, 134 )
Mulberry #C54B8C rgb( 197, 75, 140 )
Steel Pink #CC3366 rgb( 204, 51, 102 )
Ruber #CE4676 rgb( 206, 70, 118 )
Passion Pink #CE74A7 rgb( 206, 116, 167 )
Wild Orchid #D470A2 rgb( 212, 112, 162 )
Pink Pearl #E7ACCF rgb( 231, 172, 207 )
Valentine Pink #E6A6BE rgb( 230, 166, 190 )
Shimmering Blush #D98695 rgb( 217, 134, 149 )
Careys #D8A8A8 rgb( 216, 168, 168 )
Silvery Pink #DCB5B4 rgb( 220, 181, 180 )
Nude Pink #DDC0B4 rgb( 221, 192, 180 )
Gold Pink #E6C7C2 rgb( 230, 199, 194 )
Lip Pink #DBAC98 rgb( 219, 172, 152 )
New York Pink #DD8374 rgb( 221, 131, 116 )
Grapefruit Pink #E0707C rgb( 224, 112, 124 )
Blush #DE5D83 rgb( 222, 93, 131 )
Dark Pink #E75480 rgb( 231, 84, 128 )
Ruby #E0115F rgb( 224, 17, 95 )
Cherry Pink #DE3163 rgb( 222, 49, 99 )
Barbie Pink #E0218A rgb( 224, 33, 138 )
Hollywood Cerise #F400A1 rgb( 244, 0, 161 )
Mexican Pink #E4007C rgb( 228, 0, 124 )
Paradise Pink #E63E62 rgb( 230, 62, 98 )
Candy Pink #E4717A rgb( 228, 113, 122 )
Strawberry #E8888A rgb( 232, 136, 138 )
Sweet Pink #EE918D rgb( 238, 145, 141 )
Ruddy Pink #E18E96 rgb( 225, 142, 150 )
Mauvelous #EF98AA rgb( 239, 152, 170 )
Light Blush #F1ABB9 rgb( 241, 171, 185 )
Cameo Pink #EFBBCC rgb( 239, 187, 204 )
Oyster #F0D8D8 rgb( 240, 216, 216 )
French Pink #F64A8A rgb( 246, 74, 138 )
Punch #F25278 rgb( 242, 82, 120 )
Light Crimson #F56991 rgb( 245, 105, 145 )
Vanilla Ice #F38FA9 rgb( 243, 143, 169 )
Nadeshiko Pink #F6ADC6 rgb( 246, 173, 198 )
Baby Pink #F4C2C2 rgb( 244, 194, 194 )
Lemonade #F2DBE7 rgb( 242, 219, 231 )
Piggy Pink #FDDDE6 rgb( 253, 221, 230 )
Spanish Pink #F7BFBE rgb( 247, 191, 190 )
Pink Sherbet #F78FA7 rgb( 247, 143, 167 )
Rose Bonbon #F9429E rgb( 249, 66, 158 )
French Fuchsia #FD3F92 rgb( 253, 63, 146 )
Bright Pink #FF007F rgb( 255, 0, 127 )
Deep Pink #FF1493 rgb( 255, 20, 147 )
Shocking Pink #FC0FC0 rgb( 252, 15, 192 )
Ultra Pink #FF6FFF rgb( 255, 111, 255 )
Magenta #FF00FF rgb( 255, 0, 255 )
Razzle Dazzle Rose #FF33CC rgb( 255, 51, 204 )
Light Deep Pink #FF5CCD rgb( 255, 92, 205 )
Rosy Pink #FF66CC rgb( 255, 102, 204 )
Neon Pink #FF6EC7 rgb( 255, 110, 199 )
Taffy #FA86C4 rgb( 250, 134, 196 )
Persian Pink #F77FBE rgb( 247, 127, 190 )
Lavender Rose #FBA0E3 rgb( 251, 160, 227 )
Light Hot Pink #FFB3DE rgb( 255, 179, 222 )
Cotton Candy #FFBCD9 rgb( 255, 188, 217 )
Shampoo #FFCFF1 rgb( 255, 207, 241 )
Lace #FFD8F0 rgb( 255, 216, 240 )
Knockout Pink #FF3EA5 rgb( 255, 62, 165 )
Wild Strawberry #FF43A4 rgb( 255, 67, 164 )
Brilliant Rose #FF55A3 rgb( 255, 85, 163 )
Hot Pink #FF69B4 rgb( 255, 105, 180 )
Tickle Me Pink #FC89AC rgb( 252, 137, 172 )
Flamingo #FC8EAC rgb( 252, 142, 172 )
Schauss Pink #FF91AF rgb( 255, 145, 175 )
Watermelon #FC6C85 rgb( 252, 108, 133 )
Tulip Pink #FF8E8E rgb( 255, 142, 142 )
Light Pink #FFB6C1 rgb( 255, 182, 193 )
Cherry blossom #FFB7C5 rgb( 255, 183, 197 )
Bubblegum #FFC1CC rgb( 255, 193, 204 )
Pastel Pink #FFD1DC rgb( 255, 209, 220 )
Misty Rose #FFE4E1 rgb( 255, 228, 225 )

Pink Hex Codes

Hex codes are a way to represent colors in web and graphic design.

Hex color codes are displayed in the following format #RRGGBB with the color code being broken down into three sections.

The first two letters of a hex code specify how much red is within the color, the second two specify the amount of green, and the last two, the color blue.

The pink hex code is #FFC0CB.

Pink RGB Color Code

Just like the pink hex code, pink’s RGB code also specifies how much red, green, and blue are within the color.

The RGB code is displayed in the following format: RGB(RR,GG,BB).

The pink RGB code is RGB(255,192,203).

Learn More About Pink!

Need more pink resources? We’ve got you covered!

  • Pink And Green Color Palettes
  • Pastel Pink Color Palettes
  • Pink And Black Color Palettes
  • Hot Pink Color Palettes
  • Color Palette Library

Final Thoughts

Pink is a popular color that can be used in many different ways – give it a try in your self-love journaling or perhaps your relationship journaling.

90 Perfectly Pretty Shades Of Pink (2025)


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.