Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (2024)

Is your fridge empty again and money is too tight to order delivery food?

Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (1)

Then it is time to make your way to the next supermarket and stock up on all kinds of groceries.

But with so many choices of supermarkets it is easy to lose sight where to go.

This is why we put together this overview of supermarkets in Berlin and how they are different from each other.

As you might have noticed already it is comparably cheap to go grocery shopping in Germany.

This is due to our long tradition to try to save as much money as possible – which ironically made the owners of Aldi, the most famous German discount supermarket, some of the richest persons in Germany.

But with the rise of the popularity of healthy foods in bio quality, a lot has happened and only being the cheapest supermarket does not cut it anymore.

All major supermarket chains now have at least a bio-corner with higher priced and higher quality foods.

And of course there are supermarket chains such as Bio Company or Denns that only cater for the eco-conscious types.

So without any further ado here is your ultimate overview of supermarkets in Berlin and where to buy your groceries.

If you want to find all supermarkets in Berlin that are open on a Sunday we recommend you jump to the end of this article.

All supermarkets in Berlin at one glance

No. of supermarkets in BerlinOpening timesCheap private labelBio groceriesOwn butcherOwn bakery
EdekaAround 264Usually 8am – 10pmYes, called “Gut&Günstig”YesYesYes
ReweAround 154Usually 7am – midnightYes, called “ja!”YesNoYes
AldiAround 135Usually 7am – 9pmYes, severalYes, but only fewNoYes
LidlAround 150Usually 7am – 9pmYes, severalYes, but only fewNoYes
Bio CompanyAround 40Usually 8am – 9pmNoExclusively bioYesYes
DennsAround 35Usually 8am – 9pmNoExclusively bioYesYes
LPG9Usually 9am – 9pmNoExclusively bioYesYes
Veganz3Usually 9am – 8pmNoExclusively bioYesYes
NettoAround 200Usually 7am – 9pmYes, severalYes, but only fewNoYes
PennyAround 70Usually 7am – 10pmYes, severalYes, but only fewNoYes

Overview of all supermarket chains in Berlin


Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (2)

Probably our favorite supermarket in Berlin. Why?

First of all most Edeka supermarkets are very modern and have a friendly feeling when you enter.

There is enough space in between the different rows so that other shoppers are not bumping into you while you are on the hunt for your groceries.

And more importantly Edeka has high quality groceries, fresh and local fruits and vegetables – also in Bio-quality.

You will find all the traditional groceries you might expect in a supermarket, but on top of that Edeka also tries out the newest trends such as coconut water or kombucha.

Also we want to mention the fact that at Edeka you will also find their own brand called “Gut&Günstig” which is around 20-30% cheaper than comparable products.

Furthermore most markets are open until late, which means around 12pm.


Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (3)

A close second place would be Rewe as our favorite supermarket in Berlin.

What we said about Edeka could be almost copied 1:1 for Rewe.

Open until late Rewe is the perfect place to do your late night shopping when all the other supermarkets are already closed.

Rewe also has their own brand called “Ja” which is way cheaper than comparable products.

And best of all you can order at Rewe online and they will deliver all your groceries to your home.

Just check out Rewe Lieferservice for that.


If your budget is a bit tight Aldi is the best place to get cheap groceries in Berlin.

Don’t worry, cheap here does not mean bad quality.

On the contrary, Aldi can offer good quality groceries at low costs as they save a lot on their markets.

The interiour is not as friendly and modern as at Rewe or at Edeka, the rows are tighter and more packed with stuff.

There are less people working in the market and at the check-out counter you will notice that everything goes a little bit faster and with less chatting – time is money.

If that does not bother you then Aldi is a great choice to get cheap groceries.


Lidl is very much comparable to Aldi and targets the same audience.

Cheap groceries mostly from their own brands make Lidl a great place to do your grocery shopping.

You will notice that the supermarkets in Berlin are newer and more modern than Aldi.

Pricewise there is not much difference between Aldi and Lidl.

Check out their weekly offers, because this is where you can really save a lot of money

Bio Company

Moving on to the Bio-supermarkets in Berlin and starting with our favorite Bio Company.

Around 10 years ago nobody in Germany would have been willing to spend 2-3 times the money on groceries just because they are bio and from local sources.

However times have changed and one of the first and most succesfull bio-supermarket chains in Germany is Bio Company.

You will find everything you would expect from a normal supermarket, but just in bio-quality and of course for a higher price.

Bio Company is know for their excellent quality of their meats and cheeses.

We really recommend trying this once and you will agree with us that you can taste the difference.


Very similar to Bio Company and a close second place as our favorite Bio-supermarket.

Denns has expanded heavily in the past years in Berlin and one of their bio-supermarkets is never far away from you.

They also have almost everything that a normal supermarket has to offer – just in bio quality of course.


As far as we know is LPG – which stands for Lecker, Preiswert und Gesund – the first Bio-supermarket that opened in Berlin.

According to their website they already opened in 1994 their first supermarket in Berlin at a time when nobody even knew what Bio was.

What is special about LPG?

You can join as a member for a yearly fee and with your membership you will get discounts on your grocery shopping.

So if you are buying a lot there it makes sense to calculate if this will save you money in the long run.


This is something special even for Berlin standards.

Veganz has opened already 3 supermarkets in Berlin. And everything you can buy there is vegan.

Yes you heard right, everything is vegan.

So naturally you won’t get your steak or eggs in bio-quality there, but anything else is just as good and with comparable prices to the other bio-supermarkets.

Netto – with and without dog

Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (5)

Now it is getting a bit confusing.

There are two Netto supermarket chains in Berlin that are completely unrelated to each other.

We Berliners call them Netto mit Hund and Netto ohne Hund.

The reason for this is quite simple. One of the Netto Supermarket chains has a black dog as a mascot and the other doesn’t.

This way you will be able to differentiate between each other.

Funnily enough both Nettos are rather with less modern interiour and with cheap but good quality groceries.


Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (6)

Penny is also one of our favorite supermarket chains in Berlin.

On the one hand they target rather the same audience as Lidl and Aldi.

But on the other hand they do sell most of the big brands such as Coca Cola, Haribo or Milka.

Their claim is that they are a discounter for brands, so that is that.

Supermarkets open on Sundays in Berlin

Why does it always happen that you run out of toilet paper or groceries on a Sunday night?

Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (7)

One alternative would be to go to your closest Späti (Spätkauf – which are usually open 24/7) and get the basics for double or triple the price.

The smarter alternative would be to check out the supermarkets in Berlin that are open on Sundays.

There are a few supermarkets that are open on Sundays in Berlin.

But none of them is open 24/7 so if you find yourself without groceries at 1am in the morning you will need to go to your local Späti.

Supermarkets open on Sundays on a map

To summarize the supermarkets open on Sundays in Berlin are:

  • Rewe at Ostbahnhof (open 7 days a week from 7am to midnight)
  • Edeka Supermarket at Friedrichstraße (open 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm)
  • Hit Ullrich at Bahnhof Zoo (open 7 days a week from 7am to 11pm)
  • Edeka Südkreuz (open 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm)
  • Edeka Lichtenberg (open 7 days a week from 6am to 10pm)
  • Denns Gesundbrunnen (open 7 days a week from 8am to 9pm)
  • LPG Prenzlauer Berg (open 7 days a week and Sundays 8am to 2pm)

Once you have taken care off all your grocery shopping we recommed you read about the best restaurants in Berlin.

Or if you miss your local groceries check out our article about the best international grocery stores in Berlin.

Supermarkets in Berlin - Overview & Comparison incl. Bio-Supermarkets (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.